Best school in Attapur: At PIS Attapur, we believe that the early education imparted to a child essentially determines their entire path for the future. The existing education system in India for the last few decades has been criticized as being stagnant and narrow-minded. In this era of evolving changes, especially in the field of education, we intend to develop a unique and multi-faceted curriculum that can cater to the individuality and talent of every child, instead of trying to make them fit inside pre-defined boxes.
Our Vision:

We let the thoughts of great minds like Aristotle guide us, he rightly mentioned that “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Imparting this message into our curriculum, we intend to keep the curiosity alive in every child, so that as they grow, they can continue to explore their abilities as they grow up into adults. Our aim is to expose young minds to as much diversity and variety as possible, it is our aim to slowly and steadily nurture the young minds through a comprehensive and holistic learning methodology.
Our mission:

We stand for an approach that allows children to develop their own thoughts and opinions and learn to observe and see the various aspects of society, environment, and culture around them so that they can learn to make their own judgments, independently. Our students are also taught to be humble, kind, and grounded throughout various stages of their lives and we also pay special emphasis on group learning and cooperative activities with their fellow peers which allows them to develop an amicable and agreeable personality that allows them to work well in teams which is a very important aspect for their future endeavors.
What makes us different?

We nurture our students in a way that not only teaches them how to behave inside the school premises and at home, but we aim at inculcating certain values like honesty, confidence, humility, and kindness in them that last them a lifetime. Once a child is enrolled into PIS Attapur, you need not worry about their future at all! We believe in diversification of learning and teaching our students the best in every field. This helps them identify and recognize their talents and aptitudes towards different things, which in turn leads to a confidence boost up.
Our Academics: An international standard for your child:

From early grades onwards, we start including various foreign languages in the curriculum. We aim to provide a well-rounded education of international standards to our students so that they can aspire to have a successful education and career later in their lives. We also offer an exchange program so that our students get a chance to mix and mingle with people from different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds right from the early stages of their education so that they do not face any kinds of problems later on. Our school follows the ever-evolving and highly dynamic CBSE board pattern which is the most popular across the entire nation. Hence we offer an education that’s the best of both worlds.
Our prime goals;
The best school in Attapur, PIS recognizes the importance of the influences on a child during his/her early years from age 6-12 years and aims to create a wholesome academic environment for them, in which they are well-loved and nurtured. Unlike the orthodox education methodology, we believe that in this modern world everyone should be recognized for their own individuality, originality, and creativity. We wish and hope to sprout the seed of curiosity and creativity in our students, right from a young age so that they never stop learning. The top-quality education provided at our school along with a thoughtfully designed curriculum assigns equal importance to the intellectual, physical, emotional, and mental development of a child.
In today’s era where the competitiveness for various things is at an all-time high, we need self-confident individuals with a strong sense of morality to stand at a level with the rapidly developing world. With an education from PIS Attapur, the best school for your child, you can ensure a bumpless future ride for your child. Our students are taught to become the leaders of tomorrow and they get admissions in the best and top institutes wherever they go. The right amount of exposure provided to your child at PIS Attapur ensures a very well-balanced personality for your child.
Why should you choose us for your child?
At PIS Attapur we envision a bright future for your child by making sure that they grow and develop in all spheres. We understand the importance of both academic as well as other holistic forms of education that are important for your child to develop a well-rounded personality. Along with this our excellent infrastructural facilities and experienced faculty provide the best environment for your child to learn and grow. PIS undoubtedly is the best and most diverse school in Attapur and if you wish to ensure a happy childhood for your little one full of curious learnings and gentle guidance, choose PIS Attapur today!