How is online learning beneficial for your child?

How is online learning beneficial for your child?

How is online learning beneficial for your child: In this era of rapid digitalization, technology is evolving at a pace faster than ever and so is the dependency of the human race on all the new kinds of technological innovations. The field of education is no exception to this development. Today, with almost the entirety of the information in the world accessible to anyone at the click of a few buttons, online education is more important than ever before.

Children today are the most tech-savvy generation ever and they have been living surrounded by technology and growing accustomed to it. That is exactly why online education appeals a lot to young children these days. They can connect better with online learning than the same setting offline and since unprecedented situations like the Covid-19 pandemic have struck us, we are more entitled to replying on technology than ever before. 

Let us quickly discuss what exactly consists of online learning, from a student’s perspective:

Online learning basically involves learning through various mediums online, using the internet. It can include-

  • Live lectures
  • Recorded video lectures
  • Online courses
  • Notes and assignments on digital platforms
  • School activities like attendance, parent teacher meetings, progress report online
  • Exams and tests taken on online platforms in various platforms.

For an effective online learning system, schools and coaches usually employ ERP software.

What is ERP software:

Enterprise Resource Processing, initially used in the business sector has now expanded into managing education institutes as well. It basically runs based on an AI interface that is user friendly and helps digitize school and coaching institutes by managing their day-to-day tasks as well as other important activities like-

  • Fee management
  • Online classes
  • School website
  • Personalised application
  • Tests and exams.

Now, you must have gotten quite a clear insight into how online education systems work. We will move on and discuss some ways in which online learning is beneficial for your child:

  1. Time and place flexibility:

The most notable advantage of online education is the flexibility it offers with regard to time and place. Your child can get access to the best courses from the comfort of home and there are also fewer limitations when it comes to time because online courses have a flexible schedule that can easily fit into your routine and a lot of time can be saved, for example, the time your child spent in getting ready and dresses for school, commuting, coming back and forth can be saved and the child can use this time to pursue other interests and hobbies that might be beneficial for their personality development.

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  1. Self-paced learning:

Online learning might just be the solution for students who find it hard to catch up or keep up with classes in school or coaching centers. Online learning allows for self-paced learning, which means that your child can learn at their own pace and they can go back and forth and access study materials time and again easily and whenever required. Online learning allows a child who is struggling to consult a number of different sources, catch up with difficult concepts, and revise. This is not easily possible in offline classes as there is no way to catch up with missed classes.

  1. Access to top quality education:

Imagine a situation like this, in the absence of online learning and remote learning courses, there is no way a child who lives in a small town or village can get access to education from top schools and coachings for various courses offered by mainstream schools in big cities. But online learning has made this very thing possible. With even the best of the schools and colleges offering distance learning courses at affordable costs, every child can get access to a quality education, which can be life-changing for them.

  1. More affordable costs:

If you are worried about the huge costs that come with wanting to educate your child in the best schools across the country, then online learning can be an excellent option for you. Online learning is free from extra costs that come with physical learning like- Infrastructural costs, cost of living in a different city(in case the college or school is in some other part of the country/world), hostel, and lodging fees are usually not charged. All of these down cuts in the fee can greatly reduce your expenses and be gentle on your budget constraints while ensuring your child receives the best education.

  1. Better exposure:

Online learning programs usually involve students from a variety of backgrounds and provide very good exposure to cultural diversity. Your child will get an opportunity to communicate with people from different backgrounds, which is usually restricted to people within the vicinity of the city or locality in case of physical education in schools and colleges. Besides this, it will also help the child get a more global and inclusive perspective as these programs are designed keeping in mind the coming together of students from different parts of the country or even from cities abroad.

  1.  New technical skills:

With things going the way they are at the moment, we certainly have yet to witness the wonders of technological development in the future. It is important to be as tech-savvy as ever. Online education and learning teach children new technical skills and they get a very good idea about the working mechanisms of platforms like skype, zoom, etc., for video conferencing, making word documents, and presentations. All these are essential skills that will be very beneficial to them in the future. 

If you wish your child to stand at a level ground with all their peers in the upcoming years, online learning has almost become a necessity then. It not only teaches them some very useful skills but also helps widen their horizons and opportunities and as they say, “the more the better.” In a competitive world like today, it is more than important to get your hands on as many opportunities as possible, online learning for your child is definitely one of them.

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