15 Yearly Resolutions for Parents

15 Yearly Resolutions for Parents

Before you enter a new year of your life, do not forget to bring positive changes in you as a parent. Find time to reflect upon your behaviour, actions and progress as a parent in the year that is nearly over and pledge to be the better version of yourself for your child before you step in the next year.

  1. Say yes to ‘More Quality Time’

If you have been a busy parent in the last year, now is the right time to make a promise to yourself and your child. Keep your time in reserve for your child to spend it the way they want.

Live your childhood with them and do not miss this golden opportunity of witnessing the life you created grow so beautifully. You do not have to always go out, a simple conversation before he sleeps or before you leave for the office on the dining table on busy days, will do wonders.

  1. Know more about your child

Your child is growing every single day and he is developing a range of continuously changing habits and interests.

Lend your ears and enjoy his inquisitiveness. Learn more about his interests and what he likes or dislikes. Be a parent who knows his child well because only when you know him inside out, you can guide him well.

  1. No more panicky parent

Breathe! It is normal to worry about your child but this year onwards be a little cooler and sorted.

Panicking will take you nowhere. When you panic, you scare your child as well. Stay calm and trust the natural process. Let time do its magic.

  1. Say no to comparisons

Realise you are a different parent with a different child. Your parenting style is fit for your child because it suits him.

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Stop making comparisons with other parents and children. You have your own way of doing things and if it works for you, you are still a super parent.

  1. Promise to create a healthy environment

This year make the environment around your child inside and outside home, healthy for his growth and development.

A child suffers emotionally if he feels his family is not perfect or happy. Make sure you give your child the emotional strength and well-being that he deserves by maintaining a happy atmosphere around him.

Balance your personal life with your responsibilities as a parent.

  1. Promise to be more patient

Do not rush with anything. Trust the organic processes and natural timings.  Everything will fall into place at the right time and till then you have to be patient.

Worrying about the time that your child takes in learning something will not hurry up the process as it is. You have to remain calm and patient while you deal with your child.

Aggression or getting hyper never works with children and they are known for not giving good results. 

  1. Cook your child’s favourite meal

Celebrate your child’s little happiness and achievements with their favourite cook. Cook together occasionally to strengthen your bond.

Spend time knowing what they like and making their favourite food on weekends or wherever you find the time. 

This year add the taste of your love to your child’s favourite cuisines!

  1. Bring in the Surprise factor!

Your child loves surprises. If you have not surprised him enough in the last year, make the most of it this time.

Do something unusual or share secrets or bring them a present, try all the variants of surprising your child. This will bring a novelty in your otherwise everyday schedule. 

It strengthens your bond with your child and makes them super happy.

  1. Bedtime reading ritual

If you have been thinking of encouraging your child to cultivate the habit of reading, go for it now. The earlier you start, the better it is!

Either you read to your child or your child reads himself, make sure this builds as a habit in him. Reading has infinite benefits for growing children. 

Include creativity in your child’s reading or co-create a fancy reading corner with him this year to foster your child’s overall growth. 

  1. More exercise, more fun!

Find time in the early mornings or late evenings when you and your little one can spend time becoming fit together. You can meditate or do yoga or go for cycling or even have a simple workout.

This will not just make your child fit but also help in developing his balance and other skills. Moreover, exercising together is a good time that you get to spend with your child.

  1. No more language barriers

Resolve to teach your child one more language this year.

Talk to your child in your state language as well. It is always good for a child to know a different language. 

Enhance their linguistic skills. Make a promise to teach them one new word from a foreign language every day. By the end of this new year, you will be glad to see the progress your child makes. 

  1. Watch TV together

Spend time watching your child’s favourite TV shows with them. By doing this, you will get to know his likes and dislikes more better.

When you respect his choice, he may also agree to watch news or sports with you sometimes. 

  1. Create Memories 

This year make a resolution to create memories for life with your child. Take pictures together and spend quality time.

Learn more about them and share your childhood memories as well. It is going to be great fun when they grow up and tell you, “remember when we did this!”

  1. More adventures!

Try new things with your child this year!

Go on camping or any other adventure and see them get closer to you. Respect their ideas, try to be a part of their plans and help them execute it. 

  1. Shopping, coffee dates and a lot more!

Go on shopping and coffee dates with your child. Plan family outings and get-togethers. This will make your child socially active and he will develop a sense of belongingness. 

Teach him whats’ good or bad in the stores when you take him along for shopping. Let him place the order sometimes at the restaurant. All this will make your bond stronger!

Last but the most important one! Resolve to be a friend more and an instructor less to your child. Be kind and compassionate. Love him a little more every day.

Wish you a year of positive parenting growth!

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